Valiant Villains Laws
When Truth is trampled underfoot By mountains high virile falsehoods The villains' thread pan to the right The valiant' path then leads...
When Truth is trampled underfoot By mountains high virile falsehoods The villains' thread pan to the right The valiant' path then leads...
Half-empties high on the Big lie High-falutin' falsettos loaded aloft Twixt the seasons of the rallies. Falsity rears falsity, draws...
Where the earth's green Beds with the loyal sky's blue The verdant so lean and true Nothing evident but a dream. Where does art the sun...
Once upon my time. I will hear my last chime, Before that hour is due, I am on a leaf but a dew. Then let me down to lie. My laboring...
Now life is a little unclear. But you don't really care. Who has lost everything? Then left with not a thing. We'd lick the emotional...
Sails terrorists bid the Kraken. But, by truth, was it overtaken. Suffer no fool who is mistaken To sow lies to many to hearken. Lawyers...
A fired base settles the heated case. The rival stepped between night and day. The abased shoot lies to spark flames away. The lame...
When all selfless loyal work is done, In the lane, the sun has gone down. Settle it is now the end of the day. Earth timely turns in its...
Mama lags a large head-pan. On her back, weight and added angle. At her sides, the baby's feet dangle. Another child follows along in a...
A blabbering landloper runs a natal bargain, In the land where recent flurries quenched the mid-day sun The blizzard leaves the ground...
A sudden flash when it gyres a chirrup But it couldn't make out the close-up. Inside, detached lights float in syrup. Eyes in trouble...
Her life is gone over the ridge. In the end, it was all pain and grief. Harmony deserts, her sleep slid, Cycling mind keeps her eyelid...
The Grand Old Party. A Q-Anon brand batty. Hear this new problem. Conspiracy theories emblem. It's time to question the claim. An answer...
Fixed outside the communal memory A bitter cold grips Texas hard as iron. Perpetual furnace loses to the flurry. Folk palsies braved...
Momma knows the stone pits like hell. Shredded feet amble along as on eggshells. Blistered hands with lamps held tight, She cracked and...
When the lockdown started anew, Work remote, into homes, gave a view. In zoom meetings, an employee as new He knew his screen was always...