My tree died at the curbside; it did die.
It was the leaves that went brown first.
Then it died; it seemed to have died of thirst.
Here in New York ply no spotted lantern-fly.
Could it be the Asian long-horned beetle to quarantine?
Who here to blame the emerald ash borer this time?
A gypsy moth in the cited family Erebidae,
It hitched out of Europe but, it wends not a tree bidet.
Ascribe no tapeworm larvae-laden sheep gid
or hemlock woolly adelgid.
No Sirex wood wasp wrecks a trace of poison asp.
The masticator is no bristle southern pine beetle.
The pithy trunk tent caterpillars debunk tended.
My tree died; I am sure not of natural causes.
Clear Santa Clauses of pauses with their schnauzer.
Give my water vase time to pour its escape clauses.